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June 2024

New RMA system - contact form accessible on homepage

support buttonDanfysik has now eased the access to get help or retrive an RMA number for return of our products.

The red support button, to look for, will be located at the bottum on pages “Services” and “Contact” and will help you to easily get in contact with our experienced technichians.

It is also our new way to support our customers in need of an RMA number.

The old system will be accessible until all existing RMA cases have been closed. New RMA cases will be rejected and you will be asked to request an RMA via the RMA form on our homepage.

May 19 - 24 2024

Meet us at IPAC24 in Nashville Tennessee

ipac241We are pleased to announce that DANFYSIK is participating in the 15th International Particle Accelerator Conference in Nashville, Tennessee.IPAC is the main annual event for the worldwide accelerator community and industry, with presentations of the latest results from accelerator R&D and on the progress in existing, planned, and future accelerator facilities. Come and meet Danfysik in person.
February 2024

Swiss Light Source upgrade, SLS II, order of series production of multipoles concluded

Sincrotrone Elettra 600 1DANFYSIK has completed the delivery of a large order for multipole magnets in connection with a major upgrade of the Swiss Light Source at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland.
The delivery was performed within schedule and with best-in-class quality. The project included 294 high-precision sextupole magnets  for the upgrade of the 288-meter-long electron storage ring.

"The series production was running very smoothly with on time delivery of all
batches. The last batch was delivered almost one month in advance!" - The quality of the manpower may be described as very satisfactory.  - Quote from PSI report

A new vacuum tube will be fitted, along with around one thousand new, complex magnets that will hold the electrons on a circular path with extreme precision and significant improved emmittance. 

As the electrons are accelerated to almost the speed of light they release a special type of X-ray light, or synchrotron radiation. This is used for scientific research at around twenty beamlines around the ring.

"PSI thanks DANFYSIK for its engagement to the project, strong follow to the requirements specification and the excellent workmanship"    - Feedback from PSI at conclusion of the order.

January 2024

DANFYSIK awarded the contracts for multipoles for the upgrade of ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste

elettra sincrotrone trieste cover1DANFYSIK is proud to announce being awarded and trusted with the contracts for the design and manufacturing of the multipole magnets for the storage ring for the new upgrade of the ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste, Italy.

The award follows the success of delivering multipole and dipole magnets for the upgrade of the world’s largest light sources, ALS at Argonne National Laboratory USA, ESRF European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, France, and presently manufacturing for SLS II, Swiss Light Source at PSI.

DANFYSIK was trusted with the engineering design and manufacturing of multipole magnets (174 quadrupoles, 247 sextupoles and 50 octupoles) for the advanced upgrade of ELETTRA Sincrotrone Trieste. The first article magnets are already under manufacturing.